Thursday, October 25, 2007

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US imposes new sanctions on Iran

From the article:
The US has repeatedly accused Iran of destabilising Iraq and Afghanistan, blaming the Revolutionary Guards for supplying and training insurgents. The US has repeatedly accused Iran of destabilising Iraq and Afghanistan, blaming the Revolutionary Guards for supplying and training insurgents.

I supposed it has nothing to do with Bremer disbanding the army way back in 2003 and alienating them by stating that former Baathists could not be employed by the army.
If Iran is involved, I couldn't say. My gut reaction is that they are not, considering that Iraq and Iran were at war for for some 10 years before the first gulf war. It just sounds like the state department's continued efforts to cover its a** by blaming everyone else. It sounds as ridiculous as blaming Al Queda for the bombing in London a few years ago. You don't need an international terrorism conglomerate to be the bad guy when the mere myth of one will suffice.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US imposes new sanctions on Iran

From the article:
The US has repeatedly accused Iran of destabilising Iraq and Afghanistan, blaming the Revolutionary Guards for supplying and training insurgents. The US has repeatedly accused Iran of destabilising Iraq and Afghanistan, blaming the Revolutionary Guards for supplying and training insurgents.

I supposed it has nothing to do with Bremer disbanding the army way back in 2003 and alienating them by stating that former Baathists could not be employed by the army.
If Iran is involved, I couldn't say. My gut reaction is that they are not, considering that Iraq and Iran were at war for for some 10 years before the first gulf war. It just sounds like the state department's continued efforts to cover its a** by blaming everyone else. It sounds as ridiculous as blaming Al Queda for the bombing in London a few years ago. You don't need an international terrorism conglomerate to be the bad guy when the mere myth of one will suffice.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

RIAA sucks the blood out of its base

I can't say that I'm surprised about this. There were some nasty revelations that came out of that farce, but the evil ones have scored a victory.


Good thing that billion dollar corporation was able to take down a single mother living in the boonies!

I am officially disgusted.

TIme to boycott the RIAA . . .

Saturday, September 22, 2007

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Blackwater working again in Iraq

I don't think anyone in the world (excepting the United States) believes that Iraq is a self-ruling state. Iraq is no more resposible for its rule than a three year old child is responsible for paying the rent. The Blackwater affair and the events that followed are a prime example.

Remember back in 2004, when four soldiers were lynched in the streets of Falluja? Pictures were plastered all over TV and the region of our Brave Soldiers (which actually turned out to be Blackwater contractors) being pulled from their vehicles and hacked to pieces, burned, etc. It was used on this side of the Atlantic to justify our presence in Iraq. Opposition to the war wasn't as polarized at that point -the Democrats were still whining about Ralph Nader spoiling the 2000 election, for the most part.

What we really saw was how much Iraqis hated the occupation of their country by the Xian forces, especially when, to a lot of the Iraqi people, US troops and Blackwater operatives are are indistinguishable. I'm not sure that going to your local representative in Iraq brings much satisfaction when your rights are violated (or when the thugs kick in your door and grind your dignity under a boot heel in search of 'insurgents'.)

Just 4 days ago, Blackwater operatives opened fire in a crowd and killed 11 people, including one person (and his wife and child) who failed to stop soon enough at a traffic signal. I don't think there's too much dispute over those facts. Whether or not the shooting is justified is still under investigation; I think it will end as these things always end. People will believe what they want to believe.

What's certianly not up for debate is the fact that the people of Iraq have no more control of their country today than they did before the start of Gulf War II. The people of Iraq do not want the mercenary forces (whoops - contract security forces) in their country. Iraqi Iraqi PM Maliki called the mincident a "criminal act" and said he's not going to tolerate it - but of course, he's not really in control, is he? Notice tha Bush's involvement is minimal at best - Condolezza Rice has been doing all the deal brokering in the region. And of course, the end result is that Blackwater is back in operation in spite of being ordered to leave the country.

I don't think anyone expected Blackwater to really be expelled - that wouldn't server the United States' best interest. Of course, one of the edicts of Bremer gives these companies a measure of immunity, and they do not answer to military codes of conducts.

This was really a test of the independence of the Iraqi people to govern themselves, and definitve proof that they will not be allowed to do so in any short period of time.

Further reading:
You may not agree with it, but there's no excuse for know trying to understand it. When you spend so much time and energy vilifying an enemy, you forget that they are still human and have specific motivations behind what they do. Remember this, both Bush and bin Laden feel morally justified in their actions and decisions in the past 7 years. That doesn't make them right by any means, but a one-sided argument is just that.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

BBC NEWS | Americas | TV evangelist Messner dies at 65

Asked by [Larry] King if she had any regrets, she said: "I don't think about it, Larry, because it's a waste of good brain space."

The unsinkable Tammy Faye Bakker passes and I've got nothin'!

She was too much of a cartoon character to be a real threat as a fundie. Besides, she had already gone down in flames years ago for the air conditioned dog house courtesy of PTL viewers.

BBC NEWS | Americas | Deaths in US TV helicopter crash

Absolutely the most pathetic think I have ever read. The only thing that would make this tragedy in (the lack of real) journalism is if the driver of the vehicle had been one of the 'three' - Lohan, Ritchie, or Spears.

I'm not making light of the tragedy - far from it. But if there was ever a more inane reason to die, it has to be chasing down a nowhere-nothing car chase. The chase itself probably had a story-interest range of the involved cities and surrounding counties. But now the significance makes it all the way to the B . . . B . . . C.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

BBC NEWS | Europe | Bush calls for action over Kosovo

Two things -
One, I'm not surprised that a xian neo-con would find meeting an ex-Hitler Youth turned pope a loving, moving experience.
Second, all this talk about Kosovo sounds like posturing to me. Not a word about Chechnya (or Tiawan for that matter!) Democracy for all (as long as there's money to be made). he war in Iraq was supposed to be both a profit windfall and an uplifting torch for the masses. What it turned out to be was a clusterf*ck that's making all the wrong people very rich. Bush and the Neo-COns thought that they could replace the American Spirit of the COld War (remember Hoover and McCarthy? Remember the Blacklists?) with the Iraq war, and they even had a Pearl Harbor to mark the occasion.

Of course, the popular lie is rusting at the edges, so it's becoming necessary to poke at the Russians to get another chance to make America look great again.

It's really, really sad, and of course the Democrats would like nothing better than to sit on the wall and critisize the process instead of fixing it. And we Americans are content to find the next best Reality TV show and 'hope it all works out' for the better.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

BBC NEWS | Europe | Russia blames US in missile row

We live in a world that is managed by dumb-asses.
Russia tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile, which can be armed with up to 10 warheads, on Tuesday.

"Our American partners have left the ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty," Mr Putin told a press conference.

"We have warned them then that we will come out with a response to maintain the strategic balance in the world."

The effort to re-colonize the Middle-East has failed miserably, so the U.S. is returning to the game it plays the best - Cold War antics!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

BBC NEWS | Europe | Spain sues over shipwreck bonanza

I had a question:

Earlier reports suggested the wreck was found 40 miles from Land's End, in Cornwall, England.

Shipwreck expert and historian Richard Larn said a Dartmouth-based ship called the Merchant Royal sank in that area in 1641.

It was laden with bullion from Mexico and there had been speculation that this was the wreck salvaged by Odyssey.

A Spanish ship found off the coast of England filled with coins made with gold 'extracted' from Mexico. Given the way the gold was likely 'extracted', shouldn't the treasure rightly belong to Mexico?

Friday, May 25, 2007

VOA News - US Democrats, Republicans Assess Way Ahead on Iraq

I had to ask myself - what's the point?
"In approving the $120 billion funding measure without the timetable, Congress is requiring a review of the situation in Iraq in mid-July.

If conditions in Iraq are continuing to worsen at that point, Warner says, 'it would be an opportune [appropriate] time for the president to shift strategy.'"

We must enjoy being lied to these days!
If things don't get better in 4 months, we're going to back down and/or issue more non-binding resolutions!! YOu see if we don't!!!

BBC NEWS | Americas | US 'sex addict' sues over firing

Porn junkie shirks personal responsibility - blames the war and his employer. What I'm surprised to see was the claim that IBM enabled his addiction by providing internet access. Generally, large employers set up 'net nannies' to monitor this kind of activity. Either IBM of the group this guy reported to got around that, or he had knowledge on how to bypass, maybe using something like TOR. Either way, it's a really pathetic display of what's really wrong with this country - lack of personal responsibility for onne's own actions. If there's someone to blame that has great big pockets, then get at 'em!! Not that I'm a fanboy of large conglomerates, but fair is fair is far, folks!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

BBC NEWS | Americas | Critical time for Iraq says Bush

Denying the move was a White House victory, Democrats said the bill would include extra funds for domestic use.

I hope that anyone who voted for Democrats hoping for a change has learned their lesson. It seems oddly quiet from the Michael Moore / Al Franken camps, but I may not be paying enough attention. I suspect they are still holding out on a miracle. Meanwhile, the White House's campaign to make us love the war again is in full swing. Where are the principles?

Quote of the day.

If it weren't for Christians, I'd be a Christian.
     Mahatma Ghandi.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

BBC NEWS | Americas | Bush details Bin Laden Iraq plot

Hey, kids! Bush has done it!! He has given to us, the lowly masses, clear proof that terror plans were being hatched in Iraq! See?? Time has proven him right after all!
(Of course, he said that Saddam Huissein was in league with Bin Laden, and we bought that, too! We don't care if it's a lie, as long as we feel justified!)

5 years in the making, and (even though we're the reason that Iraq is in the midst of a civil war) the justification for being in Iraq has been found!!

Mr Bush said 9/11 was "a down-payment on violence yet to come"
US President George W Bush has shared intelligence that Osama Bin Laden was seeking in 2005 to set up an al-Qaeda cell in Iraq to strike US targets.
Mr Bush said the head of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was asked to set up a "staging ground" from which al-Qaeda could plot attacks on the US.

Mr Bush said 9/11 was "a down-payment on violence yet to come"
US President George W Bush has shared intelligence that Osama Bin Laden was seeking in 2005 to set up an al-Qaeda cell in Iraq to strike US targets.
Mr Bush said the head of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was asked to set up a "staging ground" from which al-Qaeda could plot attacks on the US.

He described the war in Iraq as a fight between the US and al-Qaeda and said America faced an ongoing terror threat.

"Here in America, we are living in the eye of a storm," he said.

"Al-Qaeda is public enemy number one in Iraq's young democracy. Al-Qaeda is public enemy number one for America as well," Mr Bush told a crowd attending a US Coast Guard Academy ceremony in Connecticut.

"In the minds of al-Qaeda leaders, 9/11 was just a down-payment on violence yet to come... The danger has not passed," he said, highlighting US successes in preventing subsequent planned attacks. [Looks like 2004 all over again - only the Republicans can save us!!]

Between the Democrats and the Neo-cons, we really do deserve the president we have! Way to go America!!!

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Democrats drop Iraq pull-out plan


But was it really a surprise?

Failing to pork up the bill enough to make the member politicians happy, the Democrats, true to form, put their collective spine back in the casket and whine about not getting their way, principles be damned. I betcha they'll pretent to get really vocal when the 'Gay Rights Agenda' hits the headlines again (and I'm sure the Republicans will be all to happy to get that ball rolling.)

This is exactly why I vote Green (even though I'm still an independent.) With them, there's no 'public collective conscience' that dictates the candidates. And of course, The Reps and the Dems wouldn't hear of allowing them (or any other legitimate 3rd pardty candidate)in the national debates, since they can't be counted on to follow script. So what we're left with is a One-Party government with its own franchised dissident wing.

THe Democrats are like your pesky little brother. Always hassling you in public, but tries to be just like you if your back is turned. The Reblicans, on the other hannd, are like your uncle. Only looking after his own interests, but happy to throw you an extra bone to his favorite cousin if it makes him feel less guilty about something . . .

I guess it was just a matter of time before the Democrats stopped pretending to be anything more than jellyfish-spined deal-makers. This is exactly why no one with any real values or principles goes into public office (or seem to come out with any principles.) I guess 'career politician' and public servant' don't go together anymore.

Friday, March 30, 2007

BBC NEWS | Americas | Storm in US over chocolate Jesus

Chocolate Jeezus, Chocolate Jeezus, ridin' on the dashboard of mah car . . .

It's finally Happened! The ultimate and definitive connection between the pagan and xian holiday - Chocolate Jesus!!

I guess there's no suprise that the Catholics are up in arms about it. I'm sure a little bit of research would turn up an objection from our pal Pat Robertson, too; this crowd's all too predictable. I'm curious if the objection is to the material or the subject matter. Well, since the pope is a former hitler youth (remember the german sermon at the conentration camp!?)

The Catholic League, which describes itself as the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organisation, also criticised the timing of the exhibition.

"The fact that they chose Holy Week shows this is calculated, and the timing is deliberate," Mr Donohue said.

Suggestion: in order t give the sculpture more reverence, he should create stimata fom the hands with a carefully concealed bladder filled with Hershey's chocolate syrup. I'd suggest the strawberry syrup, but that would seem a little hack . . .

Thursday, January 25, 2007

BBC NEWS | Americas | US military unveils heat-ray gun

"Called the Active Denial System, it projects an invisible high energy beam that produces a sudden burning feeling, but is said to be harmless. "

Really; what's the point!